The digital Ummah, rumblings of the future from the net.

Prophet Mohammed protest spreads on the digital ground. Hundreds of cyber attacks against Danish and western webservers spreading rage in the name of Allah.
The latest events related to the worldwide Islamic protest for the publication of the satiric pictures portraiting prophet Mohammed, reached the digital ground where Islamic cyber-protesters addressed attacks toward a wide selection of Danish (nearly 600) as well as Israeli and more generally western web-servers totaling nearly reported 1,000 attacks.
The concept of Ummah (Islamic nation) has never been digitally so clear as it is shaping today; it in fact represents a trans-national Islamic union historically borderless and far from governmental ties. Such Moslem brotherhood" was expressed in several circumstances in recent past often somewhat related to the Palestine-Israel issue, the Kasmhir territories dispute, the Afghanistan matter, the Iraq invasion matter and several other episodes much connected to the recent political on-goings., the cybercrime independent observatory of Internet server side intrusions has attentively observed in the recent days the activity of the Islamic hacker communities trying to profile their involvement in online activities linked to the prophet Mohammed/Denmark issue and got directly from such community reports about their intrusions.
What came out from the survey is what Zone-H very much expected: the use of the Internet as an instrument to spread out cyber protests related to what happens in the worldwide context.
Several hacker groups from different Muslim nations united their forces in order to produce the larger amount of damages in Danish and more generally western web-servers. During the attacks they promoted both moderate and extremists manifestos through the defacement of the homepages promoting also a boycott campaign throughout the digital Ummah against Danish products.
In fact in one of the highlighted attacks the hacker going by the handle DarlBlood clearly incites the Ummah community to avoid Danish products by quoting the website But Zone-H noted many other, and more threatening examples: warning for suicide bombing attacks were posted on by the "IIB - Internet Islamic Brigades", and threats for a coming Jihad have been used to crack many other web-servers from all over the western and non-western world.
In regards of the moderate comments posted on defaced webpages Zone-H noted the one by the same DarkblooD, a cracker who quit the defacing activity a year ago who resumed it just in this occasion which quoted a message to the Danish Prime Minister:
“HIS EXCELLENCY, Dr. Per Stig Møller the minister of the foreign affairs of the Denmark Peace be upon those who follow the true guidance: I have reviewed what some of the news agencies dealt with concerning the Danish news agency Jyllands-Posten had published, which I believe it to be a heinous mistake and dreadful deviation from the path of justice, reverence and equality. The said agency published 12 cartoon caricatures on the 30th of September, 2005, ridiculing Mohammed , the messenger of Islam.
One of these cartoons pictures Allah's Messenger PBUH, wearing a turban that resembles a bomb wrapped around his head. What a pathetic projection! I was extremely saddened to read such news. I personally visited the site of the agency on the net. I examined the size of the blundering scandal it was.
On Sept 29th, 2005 issue of , Jyllands-Posten, I saw and read dreadful news and cartoons. The news and the cartoons were horrifying and extremely disturbing to me. I believe all Muslims who read, viewed or learned about this news were equally saddened, disappointed and disturbed.
All criticized such work and felt awful and dismayed about it. Similarly, I do believe that all sane and wise people, I believe, would feel the same about it”.
As a matter of fact once more the digital ground has been used in support of political/religious campaigns, a growing trend that was well profiled by Zone-H digital attacks archive.
Roberto Preatoni
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
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