100 days of Global Change

Global Change is a program to be implimented during 2007. It will take advanatage of the more than $750 billion dollars in fiscal year 2007 dollars being allocated for and through the international, federal, state and local government units accross the world that our for profit businesses ( such as Lloyd Daniels Development Group) can take advantage of with contracts with our faith based and non governmental organization sponsors in the following areas -:
- Peace in the Hood, Jobs in the Hood Initiative
- Veterans Assistance program operation
- Creative Class Workforce and Network Development Program
- Third Frontier Workforce Development Program
- Housing program to build a million homes for young men and their families
- ReEntry of Criminals into society
- Preparing for and responding to future catastrophes
- Immigration & Secure Boarders
- U.S. Gulf Coast Reconstruction
- Regional National Energy Policy Partnership Demostration Program