Global Change in American Foreclosure

The demonstration project will be 20,000 households.
They will be from a pool of a million households called Real Estate Owned (REO). REO is a term frequently used by lending institutions as applied to ownership of real property acquired for investment or as a result of foreclosure. These institutions will be asked for a pool of new funding that will provide -
- Support for a Financial & Homeownership Literacy Program to a million households as part of American Education program A-76 contract with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), a division of the US Federal Government. We will have a 1,000 non governmental organization (NGO) partners like the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC). The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) is the nation’s foremost trade association for economic justice. We will have special demostration programs in 50 cities that support 100,000 Veterans, 100,000 Small office Home office small businesses owners, 100,000 female head of households with children, 100,000 508/ADA clients , and 100,000 senior citizen lead households.
- Setup under United States Department of the Treasury through a A-76 contract that will address saving the sub-prime market. This will be demonstrated through a business process that is created that includes a pool of 20,000 foreclosed households in Ohio. Users of this pool would use a business process called American Justice in Homeownership created by Hershel Daniels, Junior and directed by Fred Hargrove, Sr. PE MBA. American Justice sets up negotiations that include lifestyle and career support in saving the homes of a million people in 100 cities on the average 12,000 per city with a failure rate of 25% out of a pool of 100% real estate owned by the banks. We will bring together over 1,000 partners to a American Justice in Homeownership Alliance run by Cincinnati Change and the American Alliance of Distance Learning and Training.
- American Action for Global Renewal in America to rebuild 50 cities through an alliance of Empowerment Zones based on a plan submitted by Lloyd Daniels Development Group (LDG) to the Cincinnati Empowerment Zone. This happened in 2002 when Hershel and Wanda Daniels owned LDG. Before it stopped operations it has seeded its rights for an investment of $40M in rights to purchase a patent granted to Hershel Daniels, Junior to a new enterprise to be called Cincinnati Change Company for Change, LLC. which will be 80% owned by Hershel and Wanda Daniels along with 20% by investors.
- Cincinnati Change through a Committee called Churches Can Change Cincinnati NOW and Cleveland Churches Can Change NOW will create a American International Faith based Alliance which will support these million households in their walk out of foreclosure through the creation of low moderate income money funds that will invest up to 60% of its funds in foreclosed debt owned by members of its syndicate.